Friday, May 27, 2011

お店の準備 ~ Shop Policies ~ Getting Your Store Ready

Let’s continue our preparation of your Etsy shop. This week, we’ll talk about your Shop Policies.

Policies は必ず記入する必要ないということですが、海外のSellerとしてはお客様に安心してお買い物をしていただくためにも やっておいたほうが絶対良いと思います。先週記入したInfo & Appearanceのページの上にPoliciesと書かれたタブがありますのでそこをクリックしてください。
Although you’re not required to fill out the Policies, you really ought to do it for your customer’s peace of mind, especially if you’re an international seller. You can access the page by clicking on the “Policies” tab on the top of the “Info & Appearance” page, which we filled out last week.

一番初めはWelcome Message。Policiesのページに来る方はたいていはもうすでにお店の品を見ており、買う時の注意事項を見たいと思って来ているので なるべく短いメッセージにしておきます。自己紹介などは別にプロフィールのページがあるのでそちらに書いてください。
The first thing to fill out is the Welcome Message. People who visit your policies page usually have already seen your items and came to make sure your policies are reasonable, so keep this one short. Lengthy introductions are better suited for your Profile page.

次はPayment Policyです。どんな支払い方法が利用できるのか説明しておきます。クレジットカードでの支払いもPaypal を通してできるので「Paypalのみ」と言うSellerが多いですがたまにGoogle Checkoutも利用できるようにしている方もいます。その場合はどうやって支払いを済ませるのかしっかり書いておきYour AccountのShipping & PaymentページからPayment Methodsのタブをクリックし、Payment Methods you Acceptの中から「Other」を選択しておくこともお忘れなく。Paypalのみ、と言う方もPayment Methodsのページに行きPaypalしか利用できないようになっているかチェックしておいてください。Money OrderとPersonal Checkも選択肢の中にありますが海外からだとものすごく時間がかかりますし手数料も相当取られるのでお勧めできません。
Next is the Payment Policy, where you can explain the payment options available. You can use Paypal to make a credit card payment too, so most people only accept Paypal, but there are some who offer Google Checkout. In that case, you should explain the procedure you and your customer will have to make in detail. Also, don’t forget to go to the Payment Methods tab in the Shipping & Payment page in Your Account, and check the box next to “Other”. Even if you only accept Paypal, it’s a good idea to go to the Payment Methods page and double check that only “Paypal” is selected in Payment Methods you Accept. You can also choose to accept money order and personal checks, but it’s not recommended for international sellers since it could take a long time and may incur outrageous fees.

Shipping Policyには支払いから何日以内に品物を発送するか、速達で配送してもらいたい時はどうしたらいいのか、もしも関税をかけられてしまった時それを払うのは誰の責任になるのか等なるべく詳しく書いておきます。
In the Shipping Policy, try to touch on as many shipping related questions or problems that may occur, such as your usual time frame for shipping out items, what to do if the customer wants expedited shipping, and who will be responsible for paying the customs fees or other taxes if there are any.

Refund Policyには交換、返品、返金などに関した説明を書きます。品によっても変わってくるのでどの方針が一番良いとは言えませんが、返品は可能なのか交換しかできないのか、余計にかかる送料は誰が負担するのか、何日以内に返品しなければならないのかなどをしっかりと説明しておいてください。
In the Refund Policy, clearly state what your stance is in regards to exchanges, returns, and refunds. The best policy will differ depending on what you sell, but some of the things you should explain include whether you accept returns or only offer exchanges, who will pay for the extra shipping charges, and if there is a time limit on when you can return an item.

もし他にも注意事項があるのならばAdditional Informationに記入します。例えばここに「日本から発送するので、税関の検査に時間がかかり普段より遅れて届くこともあります」のようなことを念のため書いていたほうが良いかもしれません。
If there are any other information that your customers should know, put it in the Additional Information. For example, you may want to reiterate here that you will be shipping the item from Japan, so the package may be delayed due to customs inspection.

There’s also an Etsy article about what to write in your Policies page:

Friday, May 20, 2011

お店の準備 ~ Info & Appearance ~ Getting Your Store Ready

先週アバターを作成しましたがEtsyに出品しだす前にやっておくお店の準備は他にもたくさんあります。今日はYour AccountからShop Settingsと言う項目の下のInfo & Appearanceページを選択し、記入してみましょう。
Last week, we talked about creating your avatar. But before you can start listing items on Etsy, there are still many more preparations that need to be done. Today, let’s fill out the Info & Appearance page, which you can access by going to Your Account, and looking under Shop Settings.

上から見ていくとAbout Your Shop, Shop Info, Shop Banner Image, Message to Buyersとあります。About Your Shopには何も記入する欄がないので次のShop Infoに行きます。まず一番にShop Titleとありますが、ここにはどんな物を売っているのかとても短い説明を書きます。Googleなどの検索エンジンは真っ先にここを探すので、見つけてもらいやすくするためになるべくお客様が使いそうなキーワードを入れておきます。Shop Announcementのほうは長くても短くてもかまいませんが、始めの二文ぐらいにはやはりキーワードをたくさん盛り込んでください。すぐ下にGoogleで検索した時にどういう風に見えるのかというPreviewが見れるようになっています。
This page has several sections: About Your Shop, Shop Info, Shop Banner Image, and Message to Buyers. We’ll skip About Your Shop since there’s nothing to fill out there and move on to Shop Info. The first area to fill out is Shop Title, which is where you’ll briefly explain the type of items you are selling. This is what Google and other search engines will look at first, so use as many keywords as possible to make it easier for your customers find you. The Shop Announcement doesn’t have to be as short, but it’s still recommended that you include quite a few keywords in the first 2 sentences or so. Just under that, you’ll be able to see a preview of what your store will look like on Google.

Shop Bannerは看板のようにお店の一番上に貼られます。アバターとの統一感を保つためにも最低限似たような色彩を使い760x100ピクセルのサイズで作成してください。たいていの方はお店の名前と商品の写真を合わせたバナーです。特に長いユーザー名になってしまった方には「こことここにスペースが入るんだよ」と見せるいい機会だと思います。アバター同様.jpg 、.gif 、または.pngファイルとして保存しアップロードします。
Shop Banner is the sign that will be placed at the top of your store. Use at least a similar color scheme as your avatar to maintain consistency in your store, and make sure the size is 760x100 pixels. Most people use a picture of their product and include the name of their store. This is especially important for those of you with longer usernames, since you’ll be able to show your customers where the spaces are suppose to be. Just like the avatar, save it as .jpg, .gif, or .png file and upload it on this page.

最後はMessage to Buyersです。こちらはお店の品が売れた時Invoiceに必ず表示されます。どのお客様も同じ文を読むことになるので、あまり細かいことは書かずお礼とメールアドレスぐらいにしておきます。私は後から必ず別のConversationをお客様に送り、そちらに「O日に小包を発送した」などもっと詳しいことを書いています。
The last section is the Message to Buyers. This is something that will be included in the invoice each time you sell an item. Since all of your customers will be reading the same thing, try to keep it general. For example, write a brief thank you note and give them an email address that they can use if they need to contact you. I always send a separate Conversation to my customers later, giving them more specific info, such as when I sent the package and the tracking number if there are any.

Once you are done filling out all the sections, don’t forget to press the blue Save button at the bottom! If you don’t, all the info you put in will completely disappear.

Friday, May 13, 2011

アバターの作成 Creating Your Avatar

Well, it’s probably about time that we start getting your Etsy store ready in earnest. Now that you’ve selected your username, next on your to-do list is creating your avatar, or profile picture. Your avatar will be used not only in your store, but in many areas such as user search, Forums, and Conversations. It’s only 72x72 pixels in size, but it is going to be a very important window into your store.

前、ユーザー名を選ぼうLet’s Choose your Usernameで言いましたが自分の名前や好きな言葉のユーザー名を選んだ場合、一番の欠点はどんな物を販売しているのか一目では分からないということです。やはりそういうユーザー名の方は売り物の写真をアバターとするのが最も有効かと思われます。それもなるべく一品物ではなく何度でも作り直せる品を選ぶことをお勧めします。一品物だとその品が売れる度にアバターを変えなければいけなくなります。
I’ve mentioned this in the "ユーザー名を選ぼう Let’s Choose Your Username" article, but one of the biggest weaknesses with usernames based on given names and favorite words is that you can’t tell what the store is about just by looking at the username. Using a picture of your product as an avatar is probably the most effective for those of you who chose those usernames. In fact, you should try to select a product that you can remake over and over again, since if you choose a one-of-a-kind item, you’ll have to change your avatar every time it sells.

Many users prefer to see the actual person in the profile pictures, too. The feeling of a community is an important part of Etsy for many users, so they like to get to know the person behind the shop. If your username is based on what you are selling, you might want to consider using your own photo to add a warmth of human touch.

If you sell items that you can wear, such as clothing and accessories, using a photo of yourself wearing your own products maybe the best solution for you.

There are also others who use their store logo or pictures of their children and pets as their avatars. Store logo can be used successfully, but it depends heavily on the actual design. Originally, I used a logo for my avatar too, but ended up changing it a few months later when someone pointed out that it was hard to tell what I was selling. As for pictures of your children or your pets, it’s probably best to stay away from them since most people will assume that you’re selling kids’ clothing or pet-related items.

好きなアバターが出来上がったら.jpg 、.gif 、または.pngファイルとして保存しYour AccountからPublic Profileページに行きアップロードします。セールの期間中だけアバターを変えて「15%Off!」などと宣伝することもできます。
Once you’ve created your avatar, save is as a .jpg, .gif, or .png file and upload it via “Your Account > Public Profile.” You can also replace the avatar with a special avatar during a sale.

If you don’t feel comfortable creating your own avatar, there are many Etsians who offer custom design service. They often offer a package with avatars and banners, so try searching for them.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Etsyの会員登録 Registering with Etsy

By now, you’ve probably started accumulating items to sell on Etsy and have chosen a username that you like. I think it’s time to register with Etsy! It’s very easy and won’t cost you a dime.

Etsyではどのページにも左上のロゴのすぐ横にRegisterと書いてあるグレーのボタンがあります。クリックすると下のようなページに行きます。一番先に名前(First NameとLast Name)を記入する欄がありますがこちらは記入する必要は全くありません。むしろ一度記入すると、結婚して苗字が変わったりした場合 わざわざスタッフに連絡して変えてもらわなくてはいけないので面倒です。本名を一般に公開したくない方もニックネームなどを記入するより空欄のままにしておくほうが無難でしょう。性別も公開したくなかったらRather not sayを選択してください。
On every page on Etsy, there’s a gray Register button right next to the logo on the upper left corner. If you click that, you’ll be taken to a page that looks like the picture below. The first two fields ask you to put your first and last name, but these fields are actually optional. In fact, if you need to change your name, due to marriage for example, you’ll have to contact the staff and get the name change approved, so it’s a bit of a hassle. Those of you who don’t want your real name made public should just leave it blank, rather than entering a nickname. You can also choose to keep your gender private by clicking “Rather not say.”

次はメールアドレス(Your Email)とパスワード(Password)。お店を開くつもりなら専用のメールアドレスを新しく作成することをお勧めします。パスワードは大文字、小文字、数字、記号を使い6文字以上にしてください。確認のためパスワードをもう一度記入したら(Confirm Password)4文字から20文字までのユーザー名(Username)を選びます。大文字・小文字と数字は使えますが記号やスペースは使えません。「Etsy」と言う言葉、それから差別用語を使うことも禁止されています。ユーザー名をまだ選んでいない方は「ユーザー名を選ぼう Let's choose your Username」を読んでみてください。
Next, you’ll need your email and password. Since you’re planning to open a shop, I highly recommend that you open a new email account specifically for the business. The password needs to be at least 6 characters long, made up of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and/or symbols. Once you’ve confirmed your password, choose a username between 4 to 20 characters. You can use upper and lower case letters and numbers, but you’re not allowed to use symbols or spaces. Also, you cannot include the word “Etsy” or any offensive language in your username. If you need help picking the perfect username, please go back and read “ユーザー名を選ぼう Let's choose your Username.”

Account Cofirmation)が届くのを待ちます。確認メールには特別な長いURLが書いてあるのでそれをクリックし「You’re in! Thanks for confirming your Etsy account.」というメッセージが見えれば会員登録は完了です。こちらのEtsyの記事も参考にしてください:
Now, all you need to do is click the blue Register button and wait for the Etsy Account Confirmation to arrive at the email address you entered. Click the special URL in the confirmation email, and your registration is complete if you see a message that reads “You’re in! Thanks for confirming your Etsy account.” If you have any trouble, you can also look at the following article:

Etsyでお店を開くにはそれからSellページにいき右端のSell on Etsyと書いてある青いボタンを押します。Sellerとして登録する時には必ず本名と住所、それからクレジットカードを記入しなければなりません。クレジットカードはVisa、MasterCard、DiscoverかAmerican Expressしか使えません。Seller登録は別に会員登録と同じ日にする必要はなく、実際に登録した日付はお店に「Opened on April 2, 2009」などのように表示されますので準備が十分整ってからやってください。
To open a store on Etsy, you then need to go to the Sell page and click on the blue button that reads “Sell on Etsy” on the right. To register as a seller, you do have to provide your real name and address as well as a valid credit card. Only Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted, but if you have a debit card with a Visa or MasterCard logo, that will work too. It’s not necessary for you to register as a seller right away. The date that you complete the seller registration will show up as the “Opened on” date in your Etsy store, so it’s actually better to wait until you have most everything ready to go.

前にも言ったように支払いはたいていの場合Paypal を通してされるのでそちらのアカウントも開設しておいたほうが良いと思います。Paypalの新規登録は日本語サイトでできるのでわざわざこの場で解説しませんが、プレミアかビジネスのアカウントを開いてください。
As I mentioned before, most customers will make payment through Paypal, so you should open an account there too. I’m not going to do a step-by-step instruction for Paypal here, but do make sure that you open a Premier or a Business account.