さて、本題の「Etsyへの出品」の話になかなかたどり着かないなと思っていらっしゃった方、お待たせしました! 実はわりと最近出品の仕方が変更されたので、それを待っていたのとブログで紹介する前に自分でも試したかったのとで、なんだか随分ゆっくりなペースになっておりました。ご了承願います。
For those of you wondering how long you would have to wait before I’ll actually talk about listing an item on Etsy, your wait is finally over! The pace has been slow because soon after I started writing these tutorial posts, Etsy announced that they would be changing the listing process. So I was waiting for that to happen as well as to try out the new process myself. I hope you understand!
では実際に作品を出品してみましょう。Etsyで出品するにはまずYour Accountのページに行き左側のItemsという項目からAdd New Itemをクリックします。一番初めのAbout this Itemでは「Who made it?」(誰が作った物か?)「What is it? 」(これは何か?)「When was it made? 」(いつ作られたか?)と聞かれるので選択肢の中から自分の品に一番合った答えを選んでください。
Ok, so let’s list your work on Etsy! First, you’ll need to go to Your Account page and click on Add New Item on the left hand column under the Items heading. In the About this Item section, you’ll be asked the following: “Who made it?”, “What is it?”, and “When was it made?” Choose the answers that fit your item the best.
Next, you’ll be selecting the Categories for your item. To make it easier for your customers to find your item, try to be as specific as possible. Beware that some popular items such as Jewelry may have its own category distinct from another broader category like Accessories. Also, items that are quite similar in appearance, such as Knitting and Crochet, may still be in separate categories too.
The next section is for uploading the photos of your item. Please read my last 2 posts if you want more specifics about photographing your products.
それから一番肝心な品の名前と詳細を記入します。Item TitleとItem Descriptionの始めの数文には検索エンジンで見つかりやすくするため、なるべくたくさんのキーワードを使いましょう。後はサイズやどうやって作ったかなど自分で買う時どんなことを知りたいか、と考えながら書き込みます。サイズはセンチとインチ、両方で表示することをお勧めします。国によっては何センチ、と言われてもピンと来ない方が多くいらっしゃいます。ちなみに1インチは約2.5cmです。
Next up is the all-important Item Title and Item Description. Try to include as many keywords in the title and the first few sentences of the description so that your item will be easy to find on search engines. For the rest, try to think about what information you would like to know if you were the buyer, such as size and how the item was made. I recommend that you indicate the size in both inches and centimeters since many people are not familiar with one or the other. 1 inch is approximately 2.5cm.
またまた長いポストになりそうなので今回はShop Sectionで終わりにしましょう。Shop Sectionは必ず作成する必要はありませんが品数が増えてくるとゴチャゴチャしてくるので例えばNecklaces、Bracelets、Earringsのように仕分けしたほうがお客様にも便利です。その場で新しいSectionを作成できますが、変更したり順番を変えたりしたい時はYour AccountからInfo & Appearanceページに行きSectionsのタブをクリックします。
Looks like this will be a long post again, so I’ll finish this week with the Shop Section. You are not required to create any Shop Sections for your store, but because it starts getting confusing once the number of your listings increase, it’s probably best if you do split them, such as Necklaces, Bracelets, and Earrings. You can choose to create a new section as you are doing the listing, but if you want to change the names or rearrange the sections, you can access them by going to Your Account > Info & Appearance page, and then clicking on the Sections tab.
残りのTags、 Materials、 Price、 QuantityとShippingについては来週話を続けます。
I’ll have to save the rest of the process for the next week’s post. We’ll talk about Tags, Materials, Price, Quantity, and Shipping then.
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