Friday, June 3, 2011

品物の写真撮影 Photographing Your Products

Think back to the last time you purchased something online. Unless the outside appearance of the item was irrelevant to you, like if you were looking for books or DVDs, you most likely wanted to see pictures of the item before you purchased it. If the description only told you that the color was pink, you wouldn’t know if the item was soft pink or bright pink until you looked at the picture. Since you most likely will be selling handmade and one-of-a-kind items on Etsy, having good pictures is essential. In fact, it may not be too far fetched to say that your item pictures can make or break your store.

  1. 真正面から撮った写真
  2. バッグを開いて中のポケットなどが見えるように撮った写真
  3. 大きさが分かるようにモデルに持ってもらったり日常品をそばに置いて撮った写真
  4. 素材の質感が分かるようにぐんと近づいて撮った写真
  5. バッグの裏側や底の構造が分かるような写真

When you list an item on Etsy, you can upload up to 5 pictures per listing. Since your customers won’t be able to touch the item with their hands, make the photos as descriptive as possible. For example, here are the 5 pictures you might take if you are selling handbags:
  1. A straight on shot of the bag.
  2. A shot of the bag from the top to show the inside pockets, etc.
  3. A shot in which a model is holding the bag or it is next to an everyday object, in order to emphasize the item’s size.
  4. A close-up shot of the item to show off the texture of the material.
  5. A shot that shows the back or the bottom construction of the bag.

一枚目の写真はサムネイルとして色々なところで使われますので5枚の中からもっとも目を引くものを選びます。さて、ここが少し厄介なのですがEtsyでは作品のリストを見るときにGallery Viewで見るかList Viewで見るかをユーザーの好みで選択できるようになっていて、サムネイルもGallery Viewの場合は170x135ピクセルの長方形、List Viewの場合は75x75ピクセルの正方形とどちらを選んだかによって変わってしまいます。要するに長方形でも正方形でもきれいに見える写真を撮らなければいけないと言うことです。
The first picture of the listing will be used as a thumbnail in many areas of Etsy, so pick the most eye-catching one from the 5 photos. Now, this is where things get a little tricky, but on Etsy, a user can choose how to view a list of items, by “Gallery View” or “List View.” When you choose Gallery View, the thumbnail is a 170x135 pixel rectangle. But in List View, the thumbnail changes to a 75x75 square. In other words, you have to frame a picture so that it looks great both as a rectangle or a square.

For this reason, many people crop their photos as a perfect square from the beginning. This way, the square thumbnail looks exactly the way you intended it to look, and only a little bit of the top and the bottom will be cut off for the rectangular thumbnail. You can also use a rectangular picture if it’s horizontal, but unless you crop it to the same ratio as 170x135, some parts of your picture may be cut off even in the rectangular thumbnail. Vertical pictures are not recommended since large areas of your picture will be cut off in both types of thumbnails. I’ve seen listings for hats with only the model’s face in the thumbnail because the actual product was too close to the top of the picture and was cut off.

ちょうどいい形にトリミングできたら画像サイズを縮小して保存します。最低限でも横幅は570ピクセルなくてはいけませんが、たいていの方は800から1000ピクセルぐらいの大きさにしていらっしゃいます。そうすれば品の詳細ページの写真をクリックした時 写真が拡大され、お客様に作品の細かいところまで見せることができます。
Once you’ve cropped your picture to the right shape, reduce the image size and save it. The minimum width is 570 pixels, but many people resize the photos so that they are about 800 to 1000 pixels wide. This is because when you click on the pictures in the item description page, a new window opens up with a larger picture, allowing your customers to see your products in greater detail.

I don't have enough space to write about it this week, but next week, I want to share with you some tricks for taking nice pictures of your product.


  1. I just LOVE your blog. I've been telling all my Japanese artist friends about it. : )

  2. Thank you so much Debbie! I really appreciate it!!

    I truly LOVE your blog too, by the way. Your paintings and your choice of words mesh together perfectly every time!
